Sewing for Friends: AB’s Pizza Dirndl Skirt



Hi everyone! I apologize for my absence this summer. There was so much going on including a Disneyworld trip, one of my best friends got married, sewing machine troubles and a new job! Although I haven’t been blogging, I’ve definitely been sewing so be ready for lots of new posts in the future, not just of things I’ve made for myself but for friends as well!

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Circle Skirt Tutorial The First



The circle skirt. Other than some basic math, (For help use this calculator: ) you can easily draft a pattern and make a few skirts on a weekend afternoon. Not only are they super simple to make, there are several different types of feminine and sometimes silly prints to give you that extra touch of individuality. I drafted a pattern a while back and it held up well until today. I used butcher paper but poster board would definitely be more durable in the long run. Depending on your measurements, you can use as little as a yard of fabric for a skirt. Since I used about 2 1/2 yards, my skirt will consist of four panels sewing together to ultimately complete a perfect circle.

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